Digital storytelling is the art of presenting stories using
computer-based tools and includes narratives, memoirs, essays,
documentaries. This information is
typically presented using multimedia aspects including pictures, sound, Web
publishing, and video with the length typically being between 2-10 minutes
(University of Houston, 2013). ds106 uses
digital storytelling components to present information on their site via live
radio and previously recorded video. The
ds106 project has redefined what we have typically known as digital
storytelling. They embrace the MOOC
model by providing the online course through live radio broadcasts, open
lectures, and webcasts. They allow their
listeners to upload their contents to live radio. This allows the end users, the students, to
be able to submit and share their work with the others in this open class. Similar to other MOOCs, students can either
take the course for credit and are required to perform their required
assignments according to the class schedule, however if they are not taking the
class for credit then assignments are optional and can be done in whatever
order the student sees fit. This is then
able to be shared on social networks to bring attention to their work to other
students that may or may not be following the #4life hashtag (DS106, 2013). One of the great things that this program and
other MOOCs address is the intercultural aspect by being able to reach people
that are interested in a variety of topics addresses at a college level.
University of Houston (2013). What is
Digital Storytelling? Referenced
from http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/page.cfm?id=27&cid=27
ds106 (2013). What is ds106 Radio? Referenced from http://ds106.us/ds106-radio/
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